Hye my name Araf

Design Fundamentals

Elements of Design

The elements are components or parts which can be isolated and defined in any visual design or work of art
They are the structure of the work, and can carry a wide variety of messages.
The elements are:

  • Point
  • Line 
  • Form, shape and space
  • Movement
  • Color
  • Pattern
  • Texture

Principles of Design

The Principles are concepts used to organize or arrange the structural elemants of design. Again, the way in which these principles are applied affects the expressive content, or massage of the work. The principlesare are:
  • Balance
  • Propotion
  • Rhythm
  • Emphasis
  • Unity


The point is the first and the simplest elements of visual design.

Example of Point


 We’ll explain it all in this blog series, so check back often. about line – horizontal, vertical, curving, diagonal; each has an impact on how you perceive space. Lines can also be combined to create shapes and planes, or form – but that’s for another post. Structural elements, applied finishes, even lighting can all be applied to create strong lines within a space.

Horizontal Line
  •  Lines applied horizontally often evoke feelings of stability, grounding, emphasis and direction. So, although horizontal lines tend create length and lower the ceiling of a space they can also be applied to direct the viewer to a particular focal point.
  • \
    Vertical Line  
    Vertical lines are often associated with strength (think pillar of strength), stability, balance, and elevation. It has been hypothesized that viewing vertical lines is unnatural compared to viewing horizontal lines. Additionally, vertical lines extend away from our visual plane. For these reasons, the length of a line applied vertically is often extended lending to the feeling of height in a space.


    Diagonal Line

    Diagonal lines typically connote a sense of dynamic movement, transformation, and freedom. Diagonal lines can really bring life to a space, direct the eye upwards or downwards, and add volume to a space, making it feel larger than it is. That being said if applied incorrectly, diagonal lines can conjure a sense of confusion and imbalance.

    Curved Line
    Curving lines whether freeform, arcing, circular, or elliptical often feel natural, organic, playful, and soothing. If you are looking to make a space flow curving lines are a great way to do it. They are also very voluminous taking up space within an interior.

Different kind of line:


A shape is defined an area that stands out from the space next to or around it due to a defined or implied boundary, or because of differences of value. color, or texture. 

Types of shape
There are two general categore that are use to describe shapes. Goemetric and FREE-FROM or Organic Shapes.
Positive and Negative Shapes

In most forms of art shapes may be considered positive or negative depending on how they are used. Positive shapes are usually those which are the subject matter withing a work of art. Negative shapes (or space) are those in the background or around the positive shapes. By viewing images as silohouettes, it is easier to understand what the positve shapes and the negative shapes are. See if you can identify the positive and negative shapes (space) in the silhouette images below.

Geometric Shapes

  • Can be described using mathematical terms
  • They are very regular or precise
  • They are more often found in man-made things because they are easier to reproduce and make things with
Examples of geometric shapes are: squares, rectangles, triangles, circles, oval, pentagons and so on.

Free-form or Organic Shapes
  • are difficult to describe using definitons
  • are irregular or uneven
  • are more often found in nature
  • example coule include the shape of clouds, puddles, trees, leaves, rocks and so on.

Combination of Geometric shapes Positive and Negative

Combination of Organic shapes Positive and Negative

The Combination Organic and Geometric Positive and Negative


Visual or Implied Texture :



 Example Picture colored with value of color :

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